Our complete Rules & Regulations book is available to view & download here.
A waiver must be read and signed before attending your first event, these can be viewed & downloaded here.
Below is a list (examples, for the complete list refer to the Rules & Regulations document) of basic, universal rules that will apply to all attendees
regardless of what event you attend & where the event is held:
The FPS limit for all blaster used in training and competition is 350FPS. All blasters will be chronograped
upon registration when attending each individual event.
All attendees must sign in at the premises when attending each event. Waiver and Rules & Regulations must be signed upon first
time attending events, and with subsequent document updates.
Eye protection MUST be worn at all times outside of safe areas.
Blasters must be unloaded (magazine removed and chamber empty) with the safety engaged when in safe areas or outside the
designated course area.
We aim to have fun and enjoy an air of healthy competition at GBPSC, but we must still be safe! So get out there and have some fun,
but always make sure you do everything in a safe manner, for yourself and your fellow competitiors.
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